Boxfish Research renames to Boxfish Robotics
As Boxfish product portfolio advanced, with a diverse range of robotics systems, both tethered and untethered, we recognized the need for a name that better represents our current scope and…

As Boxfish product portfolio advanced, with a diverse range of robotics systems, both tethered and untethered, we recognized the need for a name that better represents our current scope and…
Chris joined Boxfish Robotics in late 2020. He has a background in working with ROVs and rescue submarines. This experience is very useful in helping develop the systems and processes…
The Korea Ocean Expo is a specialist marine exhibition combining Maritime & Safety Equipment Korea and Workboat Korea events. The Korea Coast Guard hosts it with the support of national…
Toby Ryder, a second-year Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Auckland, joined us as an intern during the summer of 2021-22. We interviewed Toby for feedback about his internship…
The resident AUV, jointly developed by Boxfish and Transmark, carries a SubC3D camera system with intelligent software to measure biomass and analyse fish for lice. There have been some logistical…
In this month’s Employee Spotlight, we’ve put three questions to Pransh, focusing on his career growth and what’s unique about Boxfish and the team. 1. How has your career grown…
The underwater environment of the Poor Knights provides an incredible variety of marine life and habitats, including caves, arches and tunnels. So, it’s the perfect location to showcase our vehicles’…
According to Stephanie’s application, part of the appeal of interning with Boxfish was her belief in our mission and the opportunity to develop advanced technology that helps further knowledge of…
Lead R&D ROV Robotics Engineer, Jamie Bell, is a vital member of this team. So in our first employee spotlight of 2022, we’re discussing AUV’s, ROV robotics and future tech…
The initiative helps us discover new talent who may later become employees and provides a few extra pairs of hands to help out with tasks. We provide our interns with…
Besides the company founders Ben King and Craig Anderson, Doug is the longest-serving Research & Development team member. He works closely with Craig on electrical and electronic development as well…
Credits: Westhaven Marina footage – ATEED North Island Aerials – Darryl Ward
Boxfish team recently went out to one of the world’s best diving spots Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve on a sea trial of the new features of the Boxfish ROV…
Auckland, New Zealand – August 8, 2019 Boxfish Research is bringing its innovative, underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to Tasmania’s high-tech underwater industries. Until recently, divers have formed the backbone…